Official regulations

Almaty, 2024

Running Competition “Almaty Сopa Run 2024”




Almaty Copa Run 2024 (hereinafter – the Competition) is an annual running competition that includes the following distances: 100 metres, 1,000 metres and 3,000 metres. A city festival for sports and race fans, in which every resident and guest of Almaty can take part.

Competition Objectives:

- popularization of running;

- preparation of runners for international marathon competitions;

- formation of a healthy nation;

- development of mass sports;

- popularization of a healthy lifestyle among residents and guests of Almaty;

- discouraging bad habits (smoking);



2.1. “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund provides general management of the Competition.

2.2. Arrangements for preparing and holding the Competition are the responsibility of the Organizing Committee of “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund (hereinafter – the Organizing Committee).



3.1. Day and time of the Competition: 17 March 2024, from 08:30 till 17:00.

3.2. Venue of the CompetitionAlmaty, Central Stadium

Start and finish lines for all distances: Central Stadium, 48 Abay Ave.



4.1. The Competition Program includes the following distances:


4.2. Age categories of the Competition:

4.2.1. Age categories of the 100-m distance:

 4.2.2. Age categories of the 1,000-m distance:

 4.2.3. Age categories of the 3,000-m distance:

To qualify for registration, you must attach the confirmed results corresponding to the qualifying time. Only results of the competitions held within the recent 3 (three) years prior to the date of application will be considered.


Qualification time for the 3,000-m distance applicants



4.2.4. Team classification

Sprint: 100m

Medium-range distances: 1,000m, 3,000m

Number of participants from one team – 10 members (5 men, 5 women).


The places taken by team members are summarised for team classification. The first place equals to 1 (one) point, the 10th place – 10 (ten) points, etc. The team with the lowest number of points is recognised as a winner.

Each member of the team may participate in several distances, but in total there must be 5 male and 5 female results.

In the event that a runner fails to attend the race(s), is disqualified or withdrawn from the race, the team will be awarded penalty points equal to the number of participants plus 2 (two) points.

The team application form (full name, BIB number and the declared distance for each participant) must be emailed to before 03 March 2024.



5.1. Participants of the following age categories are allowed to participate in the Competition:

5.2. During registration for the Competition, your exact full age is taken into account at the time of holding the Competition. 



6.1. The Organizing Committee bears all the expenses for organizing and holding the Competition.

6.2. The travel, accommodation and meal expenses associated with the Competition shall be paid by the participant sending organizations or participants of the Competition themselves.



7.1. Registration of participants for the Competition singles (100m, 1,000 and 3,000 metres) will be available on the website from 15 January 2024 and will end on 03 March 2024, or upon reaching 700 (seven hundred) participants.

7.2. Corporate participants of the Competition will be registered upon request sent to The number of participants in the Competition from the company must be more than 30 (thirty) people. Organization’s /Company’s teams with less than 30 (thirty) participants shall register on the website www.almaty-marathon.kzat their own.

Corporate participants shall mean participants of single distances (100m, 1,000m and 3,000 m), participation of which in the Competition is paid by their organization / company via bank transfer to the settlement account of the Organizing Committee. Registration shall take place only upon request from a representative of corporate participants, sent by e-mail and filling out a special form.

7.3. A participant, who has passed the online registration procedure on and paid the entry fee according to the ID number assigned upon registration for a particular distance of the Competition, is considered registered for the Competition. Only paid applications will be included in the list of participants in the Competition.

7.4. By registering and paying the entry fee, the participant of the Competition agrees with all the terms and conditions of these Competition Regulations.

7.5. Entry fees for the Competition distances:

7.6. Change of distance within the Competition is available only until 03 March 2024 (inclusive). If a slot for participation in the Competition has already been purchased, you must contact the Organizing Committee and pay 1,000 (one thousand) KZT for changing the competition distance. In case of changing the distance within the Competition from a shorter to a longer one, the difference in the cost of the slots shall be paid as well. In case of changing the distance within the Competition from a longer to a shorter one, the difference in the cost of slots is not refundable! It is possible to change the distance within the Competition only if there are free slots for the selected competition distance. When changing a Competition’s BIB number with your name on it from one distance to another one, the BIB with the name is lost.

7.7. Funds paid for participation in the Competition are non-refundable. Funds paid for the wrong or any other ID number are not refundable and cannot be transferred to another participant of the Competition, as well as cannot be transferred for participation in other Competition organized by “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund.

7.8. A participant cannot return and change his/her BIB number.

7.9. Participants without BIB numbers are not admitted to the Competition!

7.10. The participant’s BIB number must be clearly visible. The participant of the Competition must place the BIB number on the front of his/her chest or waist belt.

7.11. Participation in the Competition under another participant’s number is prohibited! In the event that the transfer of BIB numbers is revealed, the participant of the Competition who transferred the BIB number and the participant of the Competition who accepted the other’s BIB number will be disqualified for this Competition and their result will be cancelled. Admission to the next 3 (three) Competitions will also be denied.

7.12. It is prohibited to participate in the Competition wearing headphones.

7.13. Participants with disabilities can receive a free slot to participate. For this purpose, please submit your application to before 01 March 2024. Your application shall contain the registration ID for this Competition, full name, distance and the documents confirming your disability. Your accompanying person shall pay for his/her participation anyway.

The number of slots for participants with disabilities is limited. In the event that all free slots are already taken, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to refuse an athlete to participate for free.



8.1. Starter kits will be issued for the participants of the Competition from 15 to 16 March 2024, inclusive, from 10:00 to 20:00 in Almaty.

Address: Almaty, 111 Nauryzbay Baty Str.

Attention! No distribution of starter kits will be made to the participants of the Competition on other days.

8.2. The participant’s starter kit includes a BIB number, a recording chip, a participant’s handout, pins.

8.3. Corporate participants of the Competition can pick up their starter kits from 15 to 16 March 2024, inclusive, during the distribution of BIB numbers as specified in clause 9.1 hereof. To receive the participants’ starter kit, a person must have his/her ID card (original or in electronic form) and Health Acknowledgements signed in person by participants.

8.4. Participants are admitted to the Competition only against the following documents provided together:

For participants aged 18 and over:

All documents shall be submitted in a printed form.

8.5. If a participant of the Competition cannot pick up his/her starter kit in person, then other person can do it on special days of issue upon presentation of the ID card (original or in electronic form) of the participant, who cannot pick up the starter kit in person, and the participant’s Health Acknowledgement (original or in electronic form).

8.6. If a participant was not aware / forgot / did not have time to pick up his/her starter kit, it will be impossible to issue a medal using the online tracker after the Competition.

8.7. Other cases will be discussed individually when applying to before 14:00 on 17 March 2024.


9. COMPETITION PROGRAM (to be published later)



10.1. The Organizer shall not be responsible for the contents of the Participant’s bag.

10.2. We recommend not leaving valuables, money, jewellery in lockers. The Organizing Committee will not consider any claims over missing items from your bags.

10.3. When leaving his/her item in a locker, the participant will receive a sticker, which is attached to the BIB number. If the sticker is lost, the bag will not be returned to the Participant on the day of the Competition. The Participant can pick up the bag upon completion of the Competition within a week at the office of “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund and should specify the exact contents of the bag.



11.1. Results of the Competition participants are recorded by the electronic timing system of the Competition and are confirmed by the Competition’s panel of judges. Winners and prize-winners of the Competition are determined on the basis of the participants’ finish time.

11.2. Race winners and prize-winners of the Competition are determined in accordance with the World Athletics Rules.

11.3. Order of the Competition:

11.3.1 The 100-m and 1,000-m distance competitions are held in 2 (two) rounds (qualifying and final runs).

11.3.2 For the 100-m distance, once the list of participants is ready, the runners will be divided into groups of 8 (eight) people in each age category. The 8 (eight) fastest (based on results) runners in their age category will advance to the final competitions where winners will be determined. If the number of participants in an age category is 8 (eight) or less, a final competition will be held at once to determine a winner.

11.3.3. For the 1,000-m distance, once the list of participants is ready, the runners will be divided into groups of 25 (twenty five) people in each age category. The 20 (twenty) fastest (based on results) runners in their age category will advance to the final competitions where winners will be determined. If the number of participants in an age category is 25 (twenty five) or less, a final competition will be held at once to determine a winner.

11.3.4. For the 3,000-m distance, once the list of participants is ready, the runners will be divided into groups of 25 (twenty five) people in each age category. Following all the competitions, the three fastest runners in each age category will be announced as winners.

11.3.5. Competition participants must take start only at their time. The start time for each category of participants will be determined and announced by the Organizing Committee in advance through official information sources. Starting outside your group will result in disqualification (DNF) from the Competition.

11.3.6 If the number of runners in one age category is equal to or less than 12, the finals will be held in one round.

11.3.7. Official results of the Competition will be published on the website within 24 (twenty-four) hours after the end of the Competition.

11.3.8. The result of the Competition participant is recorded only subject to correct placement of the BIB number.

11.3.9. The Competition Organizing Committee does not guarantee that every participant of the Competition will obtain his/her 100% personal result in the following cases:

• Incorrectly fixed chip;

• Chip demagnetization;

• Disqualification on the basis of the resolution made by the Competition’s Panel of Judges.

11.4. Terms used for displaying results:

IMPORTANT! Race winners and prize-winners of the Competition are determined on the basis of the participant’s GUN TIME.




12.2. All finishing runners of the Competition are awarded with the Finisher’s Medal.

12.3. If a participant of the Competition failed to pick up his/her prize diploma and medal during the Competition, the participant can pick up the prize at the Organizing Committee’s office of “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund from 09:00 to 18:00 within 10 (ten) business days after the Competition, at the following address: Almaty, Al-Farabi Ave., bld. 5, block 1a, office 501.

If a participant of the Competition cannot pick up the diploma and medal in person and wants to delegate the receipt of the diploma and medal to an authorized person, the winner of the Competition should email to his/her address where the prize can be delivered by the Organizing Committee at the expense of the participant.

This option is available only to residents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12.4. Upon expiration of the above term, the Organizer reserves the right not to give diplomas and medals.



The Competition takes place in compliance with the World Athletics (hereinafter – WA) Rules 2022-2024.

13.1. Our recommendations:

13.2. It is prohibited to:

13.3. Please find the rules on the World Athletics’s website



14.1. The Competition Organizing Committee has the right to disqualify a participant of the Competition in the following cases:

14.2. A participant shall be disqualified if he/she owns or uses a video camera, mobile phone or smartphone, radio, players, headphones and other equipment in the course of the Competition;

14.3. Participants of the Competition will be excluded from the final protocol in the following cases:



15.1. Competition’s Panel of Judges - judges thoroughly monitor compliance with the competition rules and that the Competition among participants is fair and honest, and that the winner of the Competition is determined objectively. All sport judges serving the Competition represent the Competition’s Panel of Judges.

15.2.  Competition’s Panel of Judges includes:

• Chief Judge of the Competition:

The Chief Judge of the Competition distributes responsibilities among judges of the Competition and after completion of the Competition draws up a competition report and submits it in a writing form to the Competition Organizing Committee.

• Chief Scorer of the Competition:

The Chief Scorer of the Competition processes the protocols and reports the results, draws up the necessary materials to inform judges, participants and spectators about the course of the race in a timely fashion, and after completion thereof draws up the general report on the results.

• Judges of the Start and Finish Zones of the Competition:

The Judges of the Start and Finish Zones of the Competition keep strict watch that the participants of the Competition go to the race distances according to their tracks, all rules are complied with at the start and no one gets any advantages. The Judges at the finish line record results of all finishers according to the finish protocols. The protocols are submitted to the Chief Judge of the Competition for collation of the results with the timekeeping system.

Professional sportsmen and specialists may be invited to the Competition’s Panel of Judges.

15.3. Chief Physician of the Competition.

The Chief Physician of the Competition supervises activities of medical staff and volunteers of the Competition during the race and at the start-finish camp of the Competition. If necessary, the Chief Physician of the Competition can withdraw a participant from the Competition.



16.1. In case of an official ban imposed on the Competition by the government bodies/agencies/services of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including local government bodies, the Competition will be postponed to a later date. All entry fees previously paid by participants of the Competition will be automatically transferred to the new date of the Competition. The exact (new) date of the Competition will be announced by the Organizing Committee to its participants later through the Organizer’s information sources specified in clause 19 hereof and by mailing to the participants’ personal mail addresses specified in the Profile during their registration for the Competition.



17.1. Protests shall be submitted to the Competition Organizing Committee and considered by the Competition’s Panel of Judges.

17.2. A participant of the Competition shall be entitled to submit a claim within 2 (two) calendar days after completion of the Competition.

The claims shall be emailed to

When submitting the claim, the participant of the Competition is required to specify the following data:

• participant’s full name (anonymous applications are not subject to consideration);

• the essence of the claim, what the claim consists in;

• grounds for the claim (photo or video records).

17.3. The Competition Organizing Committee shall prepare its official reply to the participant of the Competition within 24 (twenty-four) hours after it receives the protest and/or claim, the reply shall be sent to e-mail, which the claim/protest had been filed from.

17.4. The claims may be accepted only from the participants of the Competition.



18.1. Media accreditation for the Competition takes place in advance. To pass the accreditation for the Competition, it is necessary to send data (name of the media, full name of the correspondent, operator, photographer, contact phone number and e-mail) to before 16 March 2024.



19.1. Detailed information on the Competition is available on web-site, as well as at the following social media sites of the Organizing Committee:


The Competition Organizing Committee assumes no responsibility for the information obtained from any other information sources.




“Courage to Be the First” Corporate Fund (hereinafter – the Copyright Holder) owns exclusive media rights to cover the Competition by broadcasting an image and (or) sound of the sports event by any means and (or) using any technology, as well as by making а video recording of the said broadcast.

The Copyright Holder has the right to conclude agreements in writing with third parties on the acquisition by third parties of rights to cover the sports competition.



21.1. These Competition Regulations are the official invitation-call for participation in the Competition.

21.2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to amend these Competition Regulations.