Almaty Marathon handed a Football Field to Boarding School No. 1

An official opening and transfer of a sports ground to the students of special boarding school No. 1 for children with hearing disabilities took place today. The event was a kind of a start for presentation of the projects implemented as a part of the large-scale charitable goal of the 6th International Almaty Marathon, which helps 1,500 students from 6 specialized schools for children with different diseases.
Marina Dnisheva, Principal of boarding school No. 1, granted the honoured right to cut the ribbon and open the new football field officially to Saltanat Kazybayeva, Executive Director of The Courage to be the First Corporate Foundation, and to Almasbek Makhanbetiyarov, Head of the Mass Sport Department of the Physical Education and Sports Directorate of Almaty.
After a short, but heartwarming welcoming speech by the management and invited guests, delivering letters of gratitude to organizers, wishing the students new sports achievements, the students demonstrated their present – a dance flash mob. After the official part, the students had their sports celebration that continued with an exhibition football match, which became the first game of the season on the new field.
“The dream of a big football field with fences and coating built with respect to advanced technologies came true at the expense of entry fees and charitable contributions of the participants of the Almaty Marathon, which took place on April 23, 2016. More than 13,000 running lovers from 40 countries of the world tossed the starting line. We would like to thank everyone who has supported the project and been inspired with the charitable goal this year. We hope that now children can do sports and keep fit under comfortable conditions.”Saltanat Kazybayeva, Director of the Almaty Marathon said.
“The best award for us and for everyone, who took part in the sixth Almaty Marathon, is to see the happy eyes of children, who love doing sports and overcome challenges of communication with the outside world in spite of their disabilities. With all our heart, we would like to say “thank you” to everyone, who has supported and helped to implement this socially significant project.” Valikhan Ten, General Director of World Class Almaty Fitness Club said.
The largest sports event in Central Asia was organized by the team of The Courage to be the First Corporate Foundation, World Class Almaty Fitness Club, Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Educational Foundation, general partner Kaspi, Almaty Akimat, and all partners.
In September 2017, Almaty Marathon team plans to transfer and present all projects of the charitable goal, i.e. the remaining four boarding schools and an early childhood center.