“Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund management and “World Class Almaty” Fitness Club continue to implement the large-scale charity goal of 2017 on behalf of all VI “Almaty Marathon” participants and partners. Today a ceremonial hanging over of objects for two child welfare institutions took place.


In the “Special (correctional) boarding school No.9 for children with severe speech disturbances” the opening of the climbing wall built with the help of “Almaty Marathon” participants’ entry fees was held. The school is attended by 350 children including 100 disabled children among them.

-First of all, we would like to thank everyone who toed the starting line on April 23 and also contributed to the biggest sports and charity festival in Kazakhstan. Everything that was built, purchased and installed for children with serious health problems is our common merit, - Saltanat Kazybayeva, “Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund Executive Director said.

The guest of honor of the event was Diaz Ablaev, a well-known Kazakhstan singer and composer who took an active part in “Marathon of Good” campaign aimed at drawing public attention to the charity goal of the Marathon held this year. The master class for the boarding school students was held by Margarita Devyaterikova, the Vice-President and the Head Coach of Almaty Sports Climbing Federation. The holiday ended with a dance routine performed by the smallest students of the school who will also learn the basics of a new sporting activity during physical education classes.

- All that “Almaty Marathon” does is aimed not only at mass sports popularization in the country, but also at the development of children's sports precisely among those children who take such activity with a great effort and difficulty. We are glad that now the boarding school students will be able to use the climbing wall, do sports, strengthen their immunity and temper the character that is already strong enough, - Valikhan Ten, “World Class Almaty” Fitness Club General Director commented.


The “Special (correctional) boarding school No.2 for children with musculoskeletal disorders” was the third child welfare institution out of 6 that received “Almaty Marathon” assistance. Sports equipment for physical therapy as well as games and implementations aimed at developing hands fine motor skills was delivered to the boarding school.


- Thank you so much for your help and attention to the needs of special children! Now the classes will be more productive and interesting and this will give additional opportunities for rehabilitation and adaptation of children with musculoskeletal system development disabilities, - Kefer Natalia Egonovna, Honored Master of Sports of the RK, Master of Sports of the International Class of the USSR, associate professor, exercise therapy and physical culture teacher, working in a boarding school for about 20 years thanked “Almaty Marathon” organizers and participants.


All the charity goal projects of 2017 will be introduced until the end of September and they will include 2 more boarding schools and one day nursery for children with serious health problems.

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