Today “Courage to be the first” Corporate Fund team introduced the implementation of the fourth project out of the large-scale charity goal of VI “Almaty Marathon” held on April 23 this year. Facilities for equipping the therapeutic physical training room as well as for sports and dance halls were handed over and installed in the “Special boarding school No.4 for blind and vision-impaired children” named after N. Ostrovskiy.


“Almaty Marathon” entry fees and charitable contributions were forwarded for the blind and vision-impaired children’ needs. A wall bar in the gym, a ballet bar and mirrors in the dance room, a massage chair, racetracks, stationary bicycles, gym mats and stretch mats - all at the request of the school administration was installed in the boarding school, so that the students are able to train taking into account their special needs.

The school year has just begun and physical education, dance and physical therapy classes are in full play. Guests who came to enjoy the transformations aimed at improvement of students’ conditions were warmly welcomed: the best dance lessons and physical therapy classes’ fragments were demonstrated to the guests. A special gift was a musical number performed on dombra by the student who is a real pride of the boarding school No. 4 - Tazhibaev Erhat (disabled person of group 1 with complete loss of sight), the winner and laureate of international and republican competitions, including completions among children with disabilities.


- This year 6 boarding schools for special children were selected as beneficiaries of “Almaty Marathon” assistance. Despite all the difficulties faced by the guys, they go in for sports, develop their creative abilities. For overcoming themselves and their ailments, improving their health and strengthening the immunity they need special conditions, including physical therapy facilities. All of us - participants, organizers and partners of the VI “Almaty Marathon” have contributed to this great act of kindness, - said Saltanat Kazybayeva, “Courage to be the first” Corporate Fund Executive Director.


Nurakhmetov Rakhmet Barkenovich, Director of boarding school No. 4 thanked everyone who did not sit back as the silent spectators to the students’ problems. “Simulators and equipment in the halls, which we really lacked for better rehabilitation and general health training will greatly help children and give more opportunities for the health programs implementation by teachers and trainers”, he concluded.

As a reminder, by the end of September “Almaty Marathon” organizers will introduce all the projects realized within the charity goal of 2017.

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