E-mail is required to inform you about important news and changes in the program.
Enter the exact date of your birth. It is necessary for the proper distribution of age groups.
Attention! The mobile phone number of the indicated person will be used in case of emergency
12 500 KZT
12 000 KZT
10 000 KZT
216 000 KZT
Select size
Specify the planned finish time:
The qualifying time for inclusion in the elite category for the 42 km 195 m distance: Men – up to 2:50:00. Women – up to 3:50:00.
The qualifying time for inclusion in the elite category for the 21 km 97.5 m distance: Men – up to 1:20:00. Women – up to 1:45:00.
The qualifying time for inclusion in the speed cluster for the 10 km distance: Men – up to 1:20:00. Women – up to 1:45:00.
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I have read and accept the Competition Rules and Regulations
I have read and accept Public offer
Total amount:
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