The fourth Almaty Copa Run, an annual short and long distance race organised by “Courage to Be the First” Corporate Fund, took place at the Central Stadium on 16 March. This year participants competed in 100, 1000, and 3000 meters, and also tried their hand at а relay race for the first time. 700 runners aged 18 and above toed the starting line.

The Almaty Copa Run is the longest competition within the Almaty Marathon. Start/Finish area opens at 7 a.m. and the rich program of the event lasts until the very evening.

“The Almaty Copa Run is not just a running race, but a real running show. Here prevails the incredible atmosphere, where each participant, despite of their experience, feels the thrill of the competition and support from the spectators. This year was the first time we held the relay race that added the special dynamics and team spirit. This format unites the runners making them trust their teammates and strive for the team score, what benefits to the competition to become more fascinating”. Notes the Executive Director of “Courage to Be the First” Corporate Fund, Saltanat Kazybayeva.

8 a.m. is the time for men and women to take up their positions at the starting line of the most spectacular distance of 100 meters. Half of the city has not woken up yet on this weekend morning, but the Central Stadium does already have the decided finalists. In a couple of hours they will meet again and the ones with the best reaction and speed will be determined.

The competition is held as per the World Athletics rules and attracts amateur runners from the other countries.

“I came to Almaty to join the Almaty Copa Run. I like it, and it is not my first time when I participate for my pleasure”, says Ariyet Makenov from Bishkek.

The next participants to come to the starting line were the ones of 1000-meter distance that requires you to keep balance between your speed and stamina. Many were successful with this challenge, and some had the run as their first official start, and Saule Baratova from Almaty is among them.

“It is my first running race. I took part in the distance of 1000 meters and took the second place in my age category. I really liked everything here. Many thanks to the Almaty Marathon for their organisation - everything has been at the highest level. And the weather has allowed to enjoy the event as the sun is shining so bright”.

And the last remaining individual distance is 3000 meters, where the tactics is the key to everything. Almaty resident Kaiyrkhan Zhamanbay has waited for this year run to set up his individual record:

“Last year I finished in 10:30, this year the result has been better by 20 seconds. I loved everything: cool atmosphere, excellent conditions for the run and nice weather”.

Afternoon was the time for 28 teams 4 persons each to compete for prize places in an exciting format of the relay race. The participants were running 800, 400, 200, and 100 meters. The fastest ones were Qulpynay Bakery, Young Runner, and Begovaya Kuznitsa Running Club from Almaty. They shared the prize fund - KZT 200,000, 150,000, and 100,000 accordingly.

All the running race results can be accessed via the link.

Having received their earned medals, the winners said they were not going to stop. Sports festival season continues as such half marathons as the Almaty Half Marathon and Astana Half Marathon, Summer Relay and Tau Jarys, as well as the largest running event in the Central Asia – the Almaty Marathon, Turkistan Marathon and City Run are ahead. Registration for the Almaty Half Marathon and Almaty Marathon is already open. The most committed enthusiasts are seeking to participate in the Turkic countries run series TAN and achieve a medal of an international runner.

General partner of the running competition is sports goods store COPA RUN. Organisers are “Courage to Be the First” Corporate Fund, Krida Fitness Club, Sh.Yessenov Science and Education Foundation and multisports Youtube-channel #DifferentYou.

Running for Speed: The Fourth Almaty Copa Run Outcomes
Almaty Copa Run: quick runs at Central Stadium
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