Kaspi: Two Years as a Title Sponsor of the Almaty Marathon
The Almaty Marathon is a big holiday of sports and charity that has already been getting thousands of people together at the starting line for seven years. This colossal event could not be implemented without cooperation of the municipal authorities and partners. That is why the corporate support cannot be overestimated.
Kaspi has been the title sponsor of the largest sports event in Central Asia for the last two years.
The mission of Kaspi is to improve the lives of their dearest customers. This mission is very close to the spirit of the Almaty Marathon that symbolizes a healthy way of life.
In addition to financial support of the project, Kaspi also participates in all stages of preparation and conducting of the Marathon.
Many Kaspi’s employees like running. Dozens of Kaspi’s employees from Almaty and regional divisions will participate in the Marathon for the second year in a row. The Kaspi’s corporate teams are traditionally among the strongest ones in Ekiden.
At Kaspi’s imitative, a money prize for winners in the final standing at the full marathon distance of 42 km 195 m was first introduced at the Almaty Marathon in 2017. Total prize fund was 1,600,000 KZT. In 2018, the tradition will be maintained and the best marathon runners will be awarded with money prizes.
The partnership with Kaspi also pushed back the limits of technical capabilities for the participants. The entry fee for participation in the Almaty Marathon and seasonal races can now be paid on Kaspi.kz without any bank charges.
All money received from entry fees is sent for charity. Last year the Marathon got together more than 13,000 participants from 40 countries of the world.
The funds raised were used to help six child welfare institutions for children with serious health problems. The boarding schools and a daycare center got a football pitch, a climbing wall, a ballet room, a sensory room, rehabilitation exercise machines, and sports equipment.
Based on the results of the 2018 Almaty Marathon, the projects of a republican significance will be implemented in Boarding School No. 6 for children with intellectual development disabilities, a regional special boarding school for children with vision disorders in the town of Yessik, and in the first I am with you children’s hospice for children with cancer.