07 February 2018

Auditorium of Almaty Marathon – Inspiration with Sports!

The team of Almaty Marathon not just runs, goes in for sports and learns to play chess, but also it organizes Auditorium with the interesting speakers, who may provide and share useful information. Once per two weeks our team provides interesting lectures in the field of sports in the World Class Almaty.

06 February 2018

Nominal start numbers on Almaty Marathon 2018!

For several years, the organizers of Almaty Marathon have provided the participants with a unique opportunity - to receive not a simple but a personal starting number!

01 February 2018

1 000 Race Lovers will Take Part in the Winter Race of Almaty Marathon

The Organizers announced open registration for the traditional seasonal race of “Almaty Marathon” – Winter Race. It will take place on February 24 in the Park of the First President.

20 January 2018

Start Running together with Almaty Marathon!

The excellent news for the beginning runners and lovers of marathon races! Within the frameworks of Almaty Marathon 2018 event our team conducts free open training sessions! They will be held every Saturday at 10 o’clock in the morning at the Park of the First President site.

13 January 2018

More than Fifty Orphanage Inmates Received their New Year Presents

The “New Year Tree of Wishes” Campaign has completed. 51 kids, living in the family orphan home “Nur” in Talgar (Almaty Region) received the presents at the old New Year Eve.

11 December 2017

131 Persons Participated in Special Seasonal Racing Competition

On December 10 the Special Autumn Racing Competition took place in Strava, which completed seasonal racing competition of Almaty Marathon 2017. 131 racers, who missed any of races (Winter, Spring, Summer, Autumn), managed to collect all 4 finisher’s medals in the large collection medal.

05 December 2017

The New Year Tree of Wishes Got Off

On December 5 in Almaty the New Year Campaign “The New Year Tree of Wishes” has commenced. 46 foster-children from the family orphan home “Nur” located in Talgar town, Almaty region, will become the charity recipients thereof. Any non-indifferent citizen of Kazakhstan may take part in the campaign.

17 November 2017


The famous Kazakhstan sportsmen – Yuriy Melnichenko, Aleksandr Vinokurov, Dmitriy Balandin and Valikhan Ten – have become the members of the Supervisory Board of the Corporate Fund “Bravery to be the First” — the organizer of “Almaty Marathon”. The Chairman of the Fund Supervisory Board Galimzhan Yessenov informed about this.

11 November 2017

The Fourth Autumn Racing Competition Collected more than 650 Participants in the Botanical Garden

The seasonal racing competition “Almaty Marathon” took place on the threshold of the World Day of Diabetes Management. The young racers of Dia Club and Public Fund “Family Health” took part in the children startup.

03 November 2017

"Almaty Marathon" supported eco-action for plastics processing

The "Almaty Marathon" partner (A'SU brand) has launched an environmental campaign directed to support the green city economy and help children. Each resident of Almaty can become a member of the eco-team. The campaign started on October 20 and will last through December. Please, return plastic containers and you will promote maintenance of the clean city and help children at the same time.

22 October 2017

In Almaty 300 participants of Female Race ran 10 km

On October 21 early Saturday morning in the Park of the First President the most beautiful race of “Almaty Marathon” – the Female Race took place. More than 300 race lovers took part in the Race.

14 September 2017

“Almaty Marathon” handed over a climbing wall and sports equipment for 2 boarding schools

“Courage to be the First” Corporate Fund management and “World Class Almaty” Fitness Club continue to implement the large-scale charity goal of 2017 on behalf of all VI “Almaty Marathon” participants and partners. Today a ceremonial hanging over of objects for two child welfare institutions took place.

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